Tagged: Switch Back

Cannock & the GoPro

It’s been raining on and off recently but yesterday the sun was shining and the ground was relatively dry so I decided to join in on another ride around Cannock Chase. I felt a bit more confident than last time but my technique is still really bad. I found I was constantly worried about where my wheel was going to end up so constantly focused on the ground. That, and the nerves made me go cautiously into the switch backs. It got a bit better throughout the ride though and on the last sections I was focusing more on what I was approaching rather than what was under my wheel. Those sections were a hell of a lot faster and smoother than the first!

After my first outing a couple of weeks ago and the complete failure of the GoPro handlebar mount I didn’t have much faith in gathering any footage but I have some good news. After repositioning the mount to hang under my bikes stem and tightening it as much as possible without breaking the plastic; it didn’t come loose once. It’s still a bit shaky and the sound quality isn’t amazing but at least it stayed in one place. The only problem now is I don’t have any editing software so all the footage is still raw and unedited.

It was an hours long ride and everything was captured apart from the long up hill slogs. Everything apart from the last fast sections where I must have mis-hit the record button and it failed to start; pretty annoying as those were the best sections.

If anyone has any advice as to how to get better quality videos from the Go Pro (bog standard old HD Hero) please shout up, or any links to good free editing software, that’ll be greatly appreciated. Hopefully next time my technique will improve more and I can post faster times again.

If you haven’t already, change the video quality to 1080p HD, all the lower quality playbacks look terrible.